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My story


I have been an animal lover my entire life. My earliest childhood memory is trying to walk my stuffed animals on a leash in my back yard. Growing up I was not able to have a family pet, but always wanting for one. The highlight of my day was being able to play with any animal that crossed my path. In college I chose to pursue a path in Veterinary Medicine while working as a Veterinary Technician. During a routine vaccine visit I was bit on my face by an Akita. Although this incident changed the trajectory of my path, I have never lost my passion and adoration for animals. Being able to care for pets in a homely setting allows me to carry out my passion and fulfill my lifelong dream of having furry friends around me at all times!

Reena Surti

Vet Tech and Owner of Reena's Paw Pad

©2020 by Reena's Paw Pad

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